children in need 2023 banner featuring Night Demon, the Children in Need logo and an author headshot of Stephen Wolberius

Children in Need 2023 Auction Win

Children in Need is a B.B.C.-run charity book auction dedicated to helping…children with needs. When I read the premise of the program, sold to me as Children in Read (don’t worry, that part made me cringe a little, too), I had to put Night Demon up for auction. What’s there not to like? A reader gets a signed and dedicated book, the author contributes the book itself and postage, and we genuinely help children needing many things ─ from physical to mental to spiritual needs. Before I go on:

The Winner of Children in Need 2023 ─ Lot 644 “Night Demon by Stephen Wolberius”

Catherine Donald from Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Thank you so much for your bid on Night Demon. A signed and dedicated hardcover is on its way to you. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Children in Need Night Demon interior dedication to Catherine Donald

What is Children in Need?

Children in Need is an annual charity auction organised by the B.B.C. Authors participate by putting a physical copy of their book up for auction. They agree to send the physical book, signed and dedicated, to the winner of their lot. Bidders, of course, can get a physical, signed copy of books while simultaneously providing hard-needed revenue for charity work. The money is distributed to a large number of charitable organisations in the United Kingdom, both secular and religious in nature. What they all have alike is that their work is aimed at improving the lives of needy children.

Other Charity Work & Why The Action Resonated with Me

I think I alluded to it in my last Newsletter (readable here), covering a range of topics, including my 3-month stay in the Philippines. Charity for children is something I do but don’t like being too open about it. I also never tell anyone who it is I’m helping or take pictures or footage of any recipients. The reason is quite simple. I believe charity is for the act of charity and not for clout. Children in Need is perfect since it gives both me and any bidders a chance to be charitable while keeping a low profile. For instance, seeing “influencers” or “celebrities” parading the “lucky recipients” before a camera like a super awkward pageant always leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I guess it’s good marketing, but I don’t care.

I’ve seen a lot of poverty in the Philippines and just how hard life can be for kids. Nature, reality, doesn’t care about your age or innocence. If you’re hungry for long enough, you starve. I’m not making a moral grandstand here. I’m not fixing the world. There’s no mercy for the innocent, so if we want mercy, it is solely ours to give. If you want to give, then give and decide who to give to.

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